
The renaissance of freedom, art, money & technology.

Limited edition art made for collectors / supporters. All renditions come tagged with its own unique QR code.


The Crypto Life Collection

The rebel is the only hope for the future of humanity. The rebel will destroy all religions, all nations, all races - because they are all rotten, clinging to the past, and hindering the progress of human evolution. They don't want human beings on the earth - they want sheep.

Crypto Currency for Beginners

An Instruction for beginners on how to get started in Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. A personal intro talk and walk through of the crypto space, Including buying your first bitcoin and setting up a wallet to send and receive crypto as well as give instruction on how to keep your digital money safe and secure.


Projects for social & environmental awareness

Feedus Films crowd funds its documentary productions for social & environmental awareness. We list this years topics and our subscribers and contributors vote along with their crypto dollars what film will be funded and produced. We intend to spike awareness as well as build teams and efforts to implement boots on the group solutions.

Team Building

Feedus Crypto is developing a database of talent. Alone we can do little but together we can change everything. This is a call to action for all developers, investors, programmers, blockchain experts, designers, hackers, and others to share ideas and create together the next renaissance of freedom, art, money and technology.