
Family Homestead Nature Trust

A creative & sustainable 100+ acre homestead located in the high tropical mountains of the South Pacific zone, Costa Rica.


The master plan is to drop the “rat race” and buy the dream! We will be developing over the next few years a friendly project; outside the box of traditional lucrative efforts. One that makes benefiting the family, a holistic lifestyle and the surrounding environment the featured attraction. Imagine it (if you can?) as “Sustainable Capital” that weaves together an estate business plan along with a restorative mission for your health / well-being.


The Homestead Photo Gallery


The Focus:

Acquire this 41 hectare (approx. 100 acre) property that has been deforested primarily for animal pasture land and then responsibly transform it into an ecologically robust homestead location to be enjoyed by our family of investors as well as shared with our visitors.

Together we can create the space; where for years to come we will enjoy & build equity. A sanctuary zone for you to immerse in a lush tropical nature setting while cultivating experiences thru a rich curriculum of “life skills” projects & workshops.


Water Rescources:

There are 12 natural springs at the homestead site. We will immediately work to harness and efficiently manage the properties water sources. With this comes water security, an aspect imperative to a prosperous venture of this nature.


Re • Forestation & Rehabilitation:

We want to attract investment to safe reforestation work, driven by the knowledge of our local best rain forest specialists. Reforestation in the tropics in particular is not only about planting trees, but knowing which ones to plant and understanding how they can take advantage of the nutrients available. Water sources, points of interest for migratory species and a series of specific determinants are used to decipher what will benefit a greener future for the investors and their families.

Project & Workshop Visions:

design & construction of ecologically conscious low impact housing

self reliable power grid

holistic spa: sauna & hot - cold pools

equestrian husbandry & studies

fruit forest project

hard wood reforestation project

construction and maintenance of on property roads & trails

animal husbandry using biodynamic practices

wood workshop

metal workshop

edible mushroom laboratory

sugar cane production

coffee production & processing

cheese making facility

community kitchen for hosting events & workshops

green houses & tree nurseries

astrological studies & discovery



Location: Mount Chirripó, Costa Rica


The homestead site is at 1000+ meters above sea level at the base of Mt. Chirripó; the tallest mountain peak (3,821m) in Costa Rica.

Follow the trend:

The local area surrounding Mt. Chirripó has for the past 10 years seen steady growth. In the past 2 years in particular the market has been heating up (as far as real estate goes). Homes, properties and farmland have been fetching record prices (rentals included). With a 12 month growing season accompanied by a bountiful supply of water, the perfect weather and a laid back paced lifestyle, I suspect this trend to continue.


Climate: Expect crisp sunny mornings that patiently metamorphosis into perfect mid day temperatures that will not require air conditioner or heating control. The setting sun brings a pleasant transition into fresh, and cool night time climate. Sometimes you might need to slip into a light sweater, fire up the wood stove and relax while sipping local hot cocoa.



What’s the catch?

What makes this such a no brainer?

Beyond the fact that you will be investing in a “homestead development project” located in a paradise location (one that will bring you food & water security for the long haul) is that you are paving a secure lane leading towards a guaranteed passive income. How so? The unique home sites we plan to construct and develop together will be designed to attract a nichè market of clients seeking to unplug and immerse themselves in nature. Think glampers, wellness enthusiasts, yoga practitioners, bird watchers, perma-culturists and nature lovers. In short, the domiciles & workshop areas can be leased out for the short or longer term. Internet tools like airbnb or booking.com have made it easier than ever before to facilitate income as well as manage rentals & event spaces. Taking this position will cover any maintenance or property management costs associated with the estate as well as amass capital for any additional add ons to the homestead project that we fancy.  You can rest comfortably as your investment pays you dividends while at the same time builds equity over time, and most importantly simultaneously serving as your wholistic get away spot for you and your family to enjoy on-demand.



Liquidity is key when investing in real-estate acquisitions. The big question becomes; if you would like to sell, how will you get out? What is the turn around time to do so?

You can at any point in time option to sell your shares (the other share holders will have the “first right of refusal”) and turn a profit on your investment but expecting to hold for at least 3 - 5 years is an accurate target goal. As with most worthwhile ventures, time will reward you a better pay day when you look to sell. How so? The homestead and its infrastructure inherently becomes more robust with time. Our fruit forests, hardwoods, coffee plants, equestrian population, trails, workshops etc. require the time and due diligence to establish themselves and this will correspond with the value of the homestead as a whole. So patience is a virtue…


How much is it going to cost me? How does it work?

The amount of skin ($$$) you put in the game will reflect how many shares of the homestead / raw property that you will hold. Ideally we are looking for a max of 5-10 friendly partners to keep things clean & simple. This translates to around 10-20 acres per trustee. There is room although to be flexible to the possibility of taking on smaller contributors but this is a case by case scenario.

The Buy in & pricing examples:

$250,000 awards you 20 acres / 20 shares in The Family Homestead Nature Trust - including the design & construction of your eco-friendly home.

$160,000 awards you 10 acres / 10 shares in The Family Homestead Nature Trust - including the design & construction of your eco-friendly home.

* Important: Investing $150,000 or more into to Costa Rica grants you a path to Costa Rican residency status (Costa Rican passport)


Inspiration for our housing options

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Transportation (on estate):


animal power

electric 4x4 ATV vehicles

electric mountain bikes



Costa Rican Residency (with a $150,000 investment Costa Rica grants you and your family a path to Costa Rican passports / residency.)

Tax free import of up to two full shipping containers into Costa Rica that can include items like; cars, appliances, tools, equipment etc.

A Costa Rican Bank Account

Shares in the Family Homestead Nature Trust Company



Investing tips & strategies:

401k Withdrawal for a Real Estate Investment

Your investment possibilities depends on the type of retirement account you have. If your retirement account is a Roth IRA account, you might be able to use the funds to invest in real estate property.

If it is a traditional 401k account, then you can either invest in a REIT or real estate based fund, make a withdrawal (with taxes and penalties) or take out a loan. A 401k loan may be an alternative to a withdrawal, as long as you can afford to make the payments. If for some reason, you cannot afford to pay back the loan then the 401k is used to pay back the loan and that is considered a withdrawal that will be subject to taxes and possibly a penalty (depending on your age).

Tax Breaks

Some of the greatest benefits of investing in real estate are the available tax breaks. Still, the barrier for many is being unaware of these opportunities and how to take advantage of them. Understanding which real estate tax investing benefits are at your disposal is one of the best ways that real estate investors can achieve long-term wealth. Take advantage of these tax breaks and ensure you stay on the path to financial freedom while protecting yourself from avoidable fees.


  • Passive Income & Pass-Through Deductions

  • Capital Gains

  • Depreciation

  • 1031 Exchange

  • Tax-Deferred Retirement Accounts

  • Self-Employment/FICA Tax

  • Opportunity Zones


The Property Title - 41 Hectares • 100 Acres



Let us get this party started! Contact me for more details:

